Saturday, February 28, 2009

Where are we going?

We are currently in the process of revising our first story for publication. I have done a little looking around and found I like how they are linked with

For those of you that are new to the League of Unusual Guys, our first story was actually a spin-off of a family story we did for fun. Ryan and I took the characters and re-made them. As our first story, which is now known as “A Flock of Squirrels”, began as a hodgepodge of events. As we continued, the structure evolved into a investigation team against the strange and unusual enemies, the main enemy being know only as The Dread.

Now, we are in process of beefing up the story, building a background of were the main characters came from. Moving the back and forth storyline of the original into a more linear format. We are aiming at getting a first draft done by July.

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